September 2023 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

Heather and I are traveling again as I write this month’s newsletter to you. Our daughter Alison is sitting next to me, sleeping on my shoulder. Jason and Elijah are also along, and we are off to preach the Word and minister prophetically. As we do every day and while traveling, I think about our partners.
Dear Partner, thank you for making this possible. It is because of you that we are able to go out and minister to so many. Since we took that journey to Moscow in March, we have been ministering nearly every week on the road, returning to Colorado just in time to be present on our morning live broadcast! We sometimes get very tired, but we always consider it a tremendous privilege to do what we do by serving the Body of Christ in every way we are able. Thank you again for your kindness to stand with us. We pray for you daily and continuously work on better ways to show you our appreciation.
This month, I want to share a special word with you that is on my heart and mind. It is a NOW WORD for you, and I simply want to declare it to you. Your breakthrough is due!
“It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”
– Isaiah 10:27
The anointing of God will destroy the yoke! What an amazing Scripture. It is one I often reference because it shows us that there can be stages of breakthrough. However, sometimes things come suddenly, and other times they come gradually. Something that impresses God is the dedication of those who continue no matter what. It falls into the blessed category because they believe without seeing (see John 20:29).
He loves those who take Him at His Word and display a different level of savagery required to maintain the course God has set before them. To Him, a relentless believer is of high value. I am talking about those who remain faithful. As unfair as life can be, it doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to you, the believer who has chosen to overcome the world by faith!
If you stand firm and keep growing, there comes a point when you will outgrow the yoke that has held you down. Consider how Israel outgrew the suppression of the wicked ruler who held them captive. Isaiah 10:27 speaks of this progressive growth that took them out of captivity. Looking at the growth progress in this Scripture, you will find it was in stages—30, 60, and 100-fold. The anointing will destroy the yoke, as you have heard many say; however, it goes in those three stages.
Servants of Fire Book

Deploying God’s Angelic Army
In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior angels―servants of fire–have been sent to minister to you as an heir of salvation.
Joseph Z, Bible teacher and prophetic seer, reveals the role of God’s angelic warriors who carry out the Word of God on your behalf.
Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. You will learn to…
- Activate and cooperate with angelic forces
- Understand ranks of angels and how they function
- Demystify angelic encounters in the Bible
- Put angels to work with your words
- Experience breakthroughs in prayer
Understand how to partner with these servants of fire so you can experience the maximum impact of a victorious life in God!
God wants you to win more than you do! He wants you to have an abundant life and to reach your 100-fold. This is why He sent Jesus! Not only to save us from Hell but to help us on this side of Heaven. People who reach their 30-fold are experiencing a certain level of breakthrough. At 30-fold, there is a relative level of freedom that comes through revelation. However, He who the Son sets free is free indeed, and I believe Jesus desires for you to step into complete freedom, which is why we should all strive to make it to the 100-fold.
You might ask, “How do I get there?” The answer is this: read, memorize, declare, and meditate on the Word of God. Read God’s Word until it speaks back to you. Memorize His Word so you can have it in your heart and mind to fulfill the next step. Declare the Word! Not only will the enemy hear it, but so will you! You will be washing your mind with the water of the Word. Speak to those things that the enemy is using against you. Speak and declare things that are not as though they are just like God did at Creation (see Romans 4:17). Lastly, meditate on the Word. I love taking the Scriptures and diving in. I like to look at the Greek and Hebrew words and find the deeper meaning of what I’m reading. There is a power to the discipline of mind renewal. Paul took it so far that he stated that he was “fully persuaded” that nothing would separate him from the love of God. Being fully persuaded of anything God has to offer is truly how you come to that 100-fold!
I encourage you today to pursue the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind until you become fully persuaded of the promise that is yours through His Word. You are called to reach your hundredfold and experience the breakthrough due in this season. That is what we are doing in this ministry!
World Broadcast Center

What I am about to tell you, many of you know and have heard me talk about on the LIVE broadcast. We are in the process of getting a headquarters and building for our studio broadcast! At the beginning of this year, I heard the Lord say to stay near America’s Mountain—Pikes Peak. This took place while standing at the summit of Pikes Peak. At that moment, it was clear that we were to begin looking for a property, which we started to do in the first part of this year.
The moment I began to consider a property, all I could think about was the current market and the potential negative trends regarding real estate. I also told the Lord we were already working on a project to get a small airplane, and I didn’t want to bother our partners with another project!
However, our team is bursting at the seams, as we have experienced exponential growth in the last twelve months! Since the beginning of this year, we have grown by one-third of what we did in the previous year, which translates to greater reach and the need for more staff, equipment, offices, and the overall cost and responsibility that comes along with it.
So, from the beginning of the year, we have been praying about a headquarters and studio space for the ministry. I prayed that the Lord would show us a building or lead us where we needed to house our ministry. Uniquely, I came under the conviction of the Lord with a heavy sense that necessary adjustments had to be made in our ministry and organizational structure. There was a strong sense that there needed to be a change in particular roles and responsibilities in our ministry.
One morning, I woke up after having a very clear prophetic dream involving the structure of our ministry. The Holy Spirit showed me precisely what must happen. So, we began a discovery process, internally critiqued where we were, and examined each role in our organization. That dream I had was confirmed by discovery and resulted in making some vital changes within our team’s roles and responsibilities. Some of this was difficult, yet necessary for the blessing of God to remain in our ministry. God never tells us things to hurt us, but the Spirit will guide us, even warn us. Many who do not obey these moments can suffer great difficulty or even worse. Thankfully, we obeyed and made the necessary adjustments! I learned a long time ago that if you do the difficult, God will do the impossible.
Now, here is the miraculous part. The following morning, we had clarity. So, as we often do, Heather and I joined hands to pray, only this time, the Holy Spirit prompted us to call in our new building by faith! We did and had the presence of God come over us in a mighty way! An unusual sense of power washed over us, making it clear that God was in that prayer!
It wasn’t but an hour following that moment when Stephanie Chandler, the wife of Jason Chandler, our executive travel director and head of partner relations, reached out to Heather and me, saying she had come across a property and sensed we should take a look at it.
We scheduled an appointment right away and went straight to the location. It had everything we needed! Over the next few months and into summer, we worked with the sellers and finally got the keys to the building. It needs a lot of updates, but it is exactly what we need at this moment for our ministry to operate at a higher level and for the vision of this studio.
There have been several supernatural steps that led us to secure the building! Here is where we are asking for your help. We have the building but need a minimum of $800k to retire the debt for the building to be PAID IN FULL, with an additional $200k of remodeling for staff office space and ideal broadcast and studio space. We have long desired to have our own meeting space, and this building provides the first step in this journey.
The building has two spaces that would allow us to go far beyond our daily LIVE broadcast. One studio we are building will be for the daily LIVE broadcast, TV production of routine programs, and focused content creation for you and our viewers. The larger of the two would serve as a tremendous “talk show studio” and audience-style environment. Eventually, we could create an intimate audience setting for special broadcasts, tapings, intensives, interactive teaching, workshops, panels, training, guest broadcasters, LIVE coverage of political events, the news, and so much more.
Partners and friends, we are thrilled, to say the least, about what the Lord is doing for this ministry. I have named the property by faith “The World Broadcast Center.” It is the first step that will serve as our HQ, studios, products, and whatever we can utilize for the Kingdom.
If you are interested in sowing and helping us declare this building is PAID IN FULL, please agree with us by going to www.JosephZ.Com and giving your best.
The World Broadcast Center is step one in the eventual vision of having regular meetings with a much larger audience.
We are choosing to work at the speed of cash until this building is PAID IN FULL!
My dear friend, please pray about your part in this new project. Because of faithful partners like you, we are believing to be able to announce that the building is completely paid in full, and we can move on to the next important thing the Lord would have for us together!
We love you and are praying for you every day. As the world gets stranger and more unstable, please know we will be here for you LIVE nearly every weekday morning, and soon in many more ways!
We love you!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z