October 2022 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,
At the very beginning of this letter, I want to say THANK YOU to the partners of this ministry! Dear partners in this ministry, you are a major focus of our daily prayers and efforts. We see your partnership as a very precious thing to be honored—we love you and cannot tell you enough how much we believe in you. We’re working diligently to find better ways of serving you and being available for you!
Because of your partnership, the audience God has assigned us to broadcast live to every weekday morning, continues to grow! Prophetically speaking, we are assigned to a media audience through prophetic journalism, and it has been leading many to hope and salvation! Jesus truly is being glorified through this unique ministry.
Special Prophetic Word about the Ark of the Covenant!
I have a very important word I would like to share with you! It has been nearly two years now since I first taught and proclaimed a prophetic word regarding the ark being stolen and how this represents the political state of many nations, not just America—and why I believe it will yet be returned!
Scripture tells us that the Glory of God resided between the angel’s wings on the ark of the covenant. It was the place where God’s presence dwelt. In 1 Samuel, there is a story regarding how the ark was stolen by the enemy forces. Please listen carefully as there is a word in this for you today.
The Ark was Lost
1 Samuel 4:1-11
And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out to battle against the Philistines and encamped beside Ebenezer, and the Philistines encamped in Aphek. 2 Then, the Philistines put themselves in battle array against Israel. And when they joined battle, Israel was defeated by the Philistines, who killed about four thousand men of the army in the field. 3 And when the people had come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, “Why has the LORD defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD from Shiloh to us, that when it comes among us it may save us from the hand of our enemies.” 4 So the people sent to Shiloh, that they might bring from there the ark of the covenant of the LORD of hosts, who dwells between the cherubim. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God. 5 And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Israel shouted so loudly that the earth shook. 6 Now when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, “What does the sound of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews mean?” Then they understood that the ark of the LORD had come into the camp. So the Philistines were afraid, for they said, “God has come into the camp!” And they said, “Woe to us! For such a thing has never happened before. 8 Woe to us! Who will deliver us from the hand of these mighty gods? These are the gods who struck the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness. 9 Be strong and conduct yourselves like men, you Philistines, that you do not become servants of the Hebrews, as they have been to you. Conduct yourselves like men, and fight!” 10 So the Philistines fought, and Israel was defeated, and every man fled to his tent. There was a very great slaughter, and there fell of Israel thirty thousand foot soldiers. 11 Also, the ark of God was captured; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas, died.
Before we go into what I sense the Spirit is saying about the ark and the possibility of good news for the future, let’s look at the backdrop of the ark’s home in 1 Samuel. Please pay attention to the character of the caretakers and the state of God’s holding place for the ark, which again, represents His presence and glory. It is a comparison to the state of the church. Let’s look at this together.
Breaking Hell’s Economy Book
Your guide to last-days supernatural provision. Forward by Gene Bailey, the host of Flashpoint Live, with a very special endorsement by Rick Renner. This book was written by the urgent direction of the Holy Spirit. It didn’t seem to make sense then, but after obeying and seeing where we are in the world today, I know THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU. It is not another book on prosperity; this is a book on BEING THE SUPERNATURAL LIGHT IN DARKNESS and the extreme ways God will take care of you in the middle of dark days. It was dark in Egypt, but it was light in Goshen! It is time for the GLORY OF THE LORD TO BE REVEALED! I believe you will discover a PROPHETIC NOW WORD for where we are and how to stand in the coming days!
Eli and his two wicked sons, Hophni and Phineas, oversaw the temple at Shiloh. Shiloh was to be a training place for prophets and those set apart for the Lord. It was an anointed location given by God for the hearing of His Voice and was home to the ark of God’s covenant. However, the two reprobate, vile sons of Eli, were rebellious children accustomed to getting anything they wanted at the expense of God’s people. These two would steal the best part of the offerings brought into the temple, as well as act out in immoral depravity towards the daughters in Israel. These two filthy, undisciplined, derelict young men had no regard for the Lord or His people—fulfilling all their perverted and glutenous desires was all they had any concern for…What a tragic state Shiloh was in. What was meant to be a place of peace and a home for the glory of the Lord was instead being violated by two morons I wouldn’t let drive the church bus or teach Sunday school! To make matters worse, their father, Eli, was permissive, and much like many leaders, he simply looked the other way.
As we saw in the passage earlier, Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phineas, were the cause of a great tragedy. 1 Samuel 4 tells the story—which ends with the Ark of God’s presence being captured by the enemy camp. These two mook sons of Eli were unfit, wicked, and indifferent leaders who oversaw or, at the very least, had access to the Ark of the covenant. As horrible as this was, these two scumbag managers of the presence of God didn’t know what to do when the battle came calling at their front door. The people from battle sent messengers to Shiloh for the ark. This must have been a rude awakening for the two little prince ministers as they were suddenly drafted into war! As a result of not knowing what to do, after suffering a brutal defeat at the hands of the Philistines, the people sent for the ark of God. They took action based on a religious presumption. Having heard the stories of Moses and Joshua, the ark represented victory, and God’s presence would surely bring them victory. Again, these two sons of Eli, not knowing what to do, took frantic action and went along with the people’s wishes—In football terms, this was a “Hail-Mary” approach to the battle directly opposing them.
So effective was the beginning of this short-lived campaign that upon the people of Israel seeing the ark coming onto the battlefield, it caused the ground to shake with the roars of the people. A roar that induced fear into the Philistine camp! However, when it really came down to the actual battle, the ones who possessed the presence of God lost the battle and experienced the unthinkable! The ark was taken by the enemy! How could this be possible? The answer was things were out of order in the house of God, and a presumptuous action was taken by the people as well as the two sons of Eli. A painful example of institutionalism over the will of God.
History Goes in Cycles
A prophetic parallel can be seen here. During the events which followed the 2020 election was an aftermath of a roar by some in the church who caused the ground to shake. Believers turned out and stood up to tyranny and in opposition to the threat of losing our nation to a spirit of Jezebel and communism. Prophetic words were released across the nation that 45 would win; however, when the election was not how they proclaimed, many of these voices continued to declare that he would be reinstated. Now, don’t get me wrong, we believe he won, and it was a horrible thing that took place through an evil agenda. The more we learn about the voting process that happened, the more we understand how corrupt the whole thing was. On that same note, however, there was a shout and a roar filled with presumption, especially that 45 would win—an obvious conclusion and topic to prophesy about, and many did.
Our ministry took some heat during the days leading up to the election because, for well over a year before the election, I announced the likelihood of Trump’s loss. Not that I thought he was supposed to lose, but because of two separate encounters; in each encounter, I woke up to a vision of myself hearing the day after the election, November 4th, that Trump had lost. The word came to me when this happened, “He would lose by technology.” I believe that is what happened, and there is growing evidence suggesting that the election was hijacked by voting technology.
The state of the church, mixed with the way prophetic words have gone all over the place, is something that needs to be considered. It’s not terrible for prophetic words to miss the mark, even Agabus prophesied Paul would be bound by the Jews, but Paul was bound by the Romans.
And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. 11 When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ”
—Acts 21:10
He immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And when they saw the commander and the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul. 33 Then the commander came near and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and he asked who he was and what he had done.
—Acts 21:32
The issue at hand is the arena of humility! If someone declares a prophecy and it obviously doesn’t come to pass… there should be an acknowledgment of that. Some of the most anointed and profound voices of prophecy I’ve ever known have gotten it wrong on occasion. There was sensationalism that came with the prophetic over the last several years, which began when Trump won in 2016. Here is what I mean. There were a very select few who publicly prophesied that Trump would win in 2016. It was not a popular thing to prophesy. Personally, Heather and I were at Trump tower in 2015, and I asked the Lord if He had sent me there because He wanted me to announce Trump as the next president. My answer was not what was expected. “You have not been graced to know that at this time, I have given that assignment to another.” That is what the Spirit said to me. Today, I know He was speaking about Lance Wallnau. So, my response to this statement was, “Is America going under?— is this the end?” The words came back to me, “No, America has ONE MORE ROUND—BECAUSE THE YOUNG LIONS ARE COMING!”
I knew it was not my place to prophesy or predict the outcome of the 2016 election. When Lance and others like him made an accurate prediction about it, the response was monumental. I suspect that many who saw the favor and platform given to those who predicted Trump’s victory decided to predict his second term victory. This was part of the carnal shout that made the ground shake!
Additionally, there has been an institutionalization of the church at large that may not be pleasing to the Lord. Immorality, abortion, and so many other issues were really backseat issues compared to making people feel good, building bigger buildings, and growing bank accounts; the preacher celebrity scene seemed to be the main focus on larger stages. Much of that was really shown when Roe vs. Wade was overturned on a national level! It was astonishing how many churches or leaders didn’t say a thing about it! A 50-year battle was won, and justice for the unborn was finally heard. Most churches responded with nothing, no celebrations, no worship services, or thanking God. It was despicable how quiet it was. Many issues like this have been part of tolerance for unrighteousness. Issues like this example are an issue much like Eli’s two sons being in charge of the ark or Eli himself. Eli was permissive to the behavior of his two worthless sons. An issue that will continuously be confronted until, ultimately, the institution and those who have ridden on its coattails and hide behind its walls will be drafted into battle. These might not survive it.
The ark was finally returned on David’s watch. There was a lot of drama between the time the ark was taken and its eventual triumphant return to its proper home.
This is the story I believe we are living out right now… A carnal shout has happened, the ark has been stolen, wrong leaders were in the kingdom, and the battle removed them. That is until, the day came when a leader after God’s own heart took office, and the ark was returned—David is coming!
Now today, a new roar will accumulate. During the second half of 2021, the words “Micro wins that accumulate into a roar” kept coming to me. I sense that the full force of this roar will be felt in 2024.
In a cycle of history, this same pattern repeats itself. In a world of darkness and challenges, often, a strong leader will rise and correct the wrongs, it takes great effort, but they are cause-driven. From this position comes children of war who now live in peace, and the fruits of the battle are won. They remember the cost and are grateful.
There are children, however, who may not understand the cost; they may not see the sacrifice, and they often only understand the needs they have for comfort and pleasure. Thus, a weak culture rises to the scene and allows pleasure and foolishness into society. Darkness takes over due to their lack of conviction, causing widespread suffering until, again, a strong leader says enough and rises. The entire cycle repeats itself. As a culture, and sadly much of the church is in this same place, those who have experienced relative ease, not understanding the sacrifices required for our liberties, are about to cave into the onslaught of darkness. It was Marie-Antoinette who, upon being told the citizens in her kingdom were starving, replied, “Let them eat cake.” With that callous remark, the queen became a hated symbol of the decadent monarchy and fueled the revolution that would cause her to (literally) lose her head several years later. A day is coming when the people will cry, give me Jesus, and nothing else. Indifference in the leadership of God’s people will be changed or removed.
Red Eagle 1 Campaign
I would like to thank you for praying! Many of our partners often tell us that they are not just supporters but prayer supporters for us. What an honor to have! As demands for good teaching and healthy prophetic ministry grow, we are stepping up to meet them. With your help, we are reaching millions through 20 different social media platforms, ministering in churches and events, as well as taking steps in media, especially toward a new studio. Our new studio will have a tremendous amount of space for live broadcasting, television recording, interviewing special guests, live nights of ministry, and so much more! This and, of course, the DA62, the twin-propeller airplane.
We have taken the first step of placing the down payment on it and are saving up for this wonderful aircraft. Heather will be the first to tell you that I don’t like to travel, but I do it unto the Lord, and this aircraft makes it so much more convenient and will allow us to reach so many more people than ever before. Years ago, I worked in the aviation industry. It was as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for a day when we would reach many people all over America through aviation. Your gifts and support through a partnership are what make this possible. I am so very grateful to you for your generosity toward this project. We have a little ways to go as we are believing for nine hundred thousand dollars to pay the plane off in full. We are currently on a waiting list as there has been a demand, and with supply chain issues, delays have been part of the process. We are taking this as a blessing to have more time to accumulate this additional 900 thousand dollars to pay it off. Thank you for praying with us over this and for your consideration in being a partner with us! We are so thankful to you for being co-laborers with Heather and I on this journey.
Modern Day Resting Place of the Ark
Why am I referencing this, and what does it mean? There was a modern-day sign that took place right after I gave this prophetic message two years ago regarding the carnal shout and the ark being stolen. Today, in modern times, one of the debated resting places of the biblical ark is Axum Ethiopia. A guarded building fenced in and patrolled by a man who has dedicated his entire life to remaining behind the fence and watching over whatever artifact they have within its walls.
It is a debated issue if the ark resides there or not—after speaking with several leaders who have been to that location to investigate, not one has told me they believe that the ark is actually there. Whether it is there or not is not the focal point of what I would like to say to you. There may be a replica of the ark or something different behind those walls. Regardless, in February 2021, a unique and terrible thing took place. Axum was raided, causing the loss of many lives.
One account I read stated there were up to eight hundred casualties. These were guarding the temple in which the ark was believed to reside.
Stories and reports are not clear, but it would seem whatever was within the temple was exposed or taken. Now, the purpose of my bringing this story out is that I released a prophetic word several months previous to this horrible event. The word spoken was that much like when the ark was stolen in 1 Samuel; this is what has taken place in our time. The ark being stolen represents a lost political field, corruption in society, and the glory of the Lord is absent from the Church at large. It’s time to kick Eli and his useless sons out of authority. This is done through prayer and seeking the face of God.
Back to the ark briefly—throughout its time being stolen, it wreaked havoc in foreign temples, causing damage even to their deities! Foreign citizens were struck with plagues and horrible experiences because of the ark being in their presence. Recently, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say He would once again make His presence known in the houses of darkness. Evil leaders and counsels of nefarious intent will know there is a God in Israel, and there is a Church that belongs to Him. We must pray, as Jesus deserves a higher level of commitment to what He desires in His church.
The Mission
Nameless, faceless intercessors and servants will be the next wave of what hits the scene. Here in this ministry, we are being sent out with supernatural force, especially through media and live broadcasts. The blessing of this is we can see all of you every weekday morning. It creates a sense of community and personal interaction every day.
At this time in our world, a high sense of pressure from instability is present, but you must remember you are salt and light. This is not a statement by Jesus to be taken lightly! Salt preserves and cleanses. Light is knowledge of the truth. We are called as the Body of Christ to preserve, cleanse, and share revelation knowledge with the world around us. You are anointed for this! God has called you to influence those around you no matter your position in life. God needs you, and He will empower you as you make a strong commitment to Him.
Partners in Prayer
I would like to thank you for praying! Many of our partners often tell us that they are not just supporters but prayer supporters for us. What an honor to have! As demands for good teaching and healthy prophetic ministry grow, we are stepping up to meet them. With your help, we are reaching millions through 20 different social media platforms, ministering in churches and events, as well as taking steps in media, especially toward a new studio. Our new studio will have much space for live broadcasting, television recording, interviewing special guests, live nights of ministry, and so much more!
This and, of course, the DA62, the twin-propeller airplane. We have taken the first step of placing the down payment on it and are saving up for this wonderful aircraft. Heather will be the first to tell you that I don’t like to travel, but I do it unto the Lord, and this aircraft makes it so much more convenient and will allow us to reach so many more people than ever before. Years ago, I worked in the aviation industry. It was as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for a day when we would reach many people all over America through aviation. Your gifts and support through a partnership are what make this possible. I am so very grateful to you for your generosity toward this project. We have a little ways to go as we are believing for nine hundred thousand dollars to pay the plane off in full. We are currently on a waiting list as there has been a demand, and with supply chain issues, delays have been part of the process. We are taking this as a blessing to have more time to accumulate this additional 900 thousand dollars to pay it off. Thank you for praying with us over this and for your consideration in being a partner with us! We are so thankful to you for being co-laborers with Heather and me on this journey.
Our team is currently having regular prayer meetings for you and that state of the world! We are taking our responsibility to meet and intercede seriously. Through these extended times of worship and prayer, we are seeing wonderful results and testimonies, which we know are a direct result of what is being released as we pray. We will be streaming more of these moments for you to join in live and participate as well. Each time we have done so, the response from viewers has been tremendous.

Breaking Hell’s Economy is a prophetic book that will bring you encouragement for what we are about to be walking in. I cannot emphasize enough how much faith will rise in you as you read this timely book! It’s available for pre-order today, and if you pre-order, you will receive yours before everyone else who orders it when it is officially released.

I want to encourage you once again that THIS IS NOT THE END, but we do need to rise to meet the demands of our generation. Much like the fathers and mothers who stood generations before us, we are to do what we can, where we can, and when we can. When we are equipped by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, there is nothing that can stop us in our God-given assignment. Thank you for standing with us; we are standing with you. We love you!
Some final thoughts—there really is hope for the future—One more round is coming! Your support and being a part of this family we call “the RED Church” is so important to us. You are important to us. Thank you for standing with us. We are praying for you and believing the Spirit of the Lord will lead you and guide you through the darkest times the enemy can throw at us all. Heather and I love you, and we, along with our team, are here for you, and we are praying for you!
With much love and gratitude to you as a fellow laborer in the Kingdom, I bless you!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z