November 2023 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

I am writing to you this month once again while flying. Heather is sitting next to me, and we are preparing our hearts and minds to minister at the upcoming events. Just this past two weeks, we had the privilege to join our Daystar TV family for a LIVE broadcast. We joined Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Perry Stone for the broadcast. We then traveled to Florida to minister for a few days with our friends Massey and Carrie Campos, and then arrived in Tennessee to speak with our friends D.R. Harrison and Pastor Ken Peters for their Outdoor Hope Crusade. It was a chilly evening, with many in attendance wrapped in blankets to stay warm. Pastor Greg Locke and I were the final two speakers at the event, and it was a wonderful experience seeing so many people who traveled from significant distances to encounter Jesus.
This past year has been a time of unparalleled increase both in our lives and ministry. As a result, we have traveled more than any other year before this one due to expansion and the number of requests we received. Heather and I did our very best to respond to as many as we could. We were away, conservatively, three weekends a month and many weekdays in between—ever since our invitation to be with Sid Roth last fall in 2022. I just finished two days of filming with Sid Roth and his team. It was a privilege to be together with other ministers, including a special mentoring session that Dr. Michael Brown and I did together. Prophetically, our travel schedule began around the time of being on Sid Roth’s TV program a year ago, and being with him again now, there is a strong sense of a shift in our lives and plans for the coming year as we are now coming full circle.
Regarding all the travel and new friends we have made this past year, “Grateful” is the best way to describe the demand and great privilege of ministering to the Body of Christ. We love Churches, pastors, and the people God has allowed us to minister to, and we want to continue hitting the target for all God has called us to accomplish during this season of our lives and ministry.
Something I would like to share with you is that we are seeking the Lord about the coming year and keeping our sail hoisted to perceive and hear what the Spirit is saying. Plans are already in motion for a few significant conferences that will take place in 2024. Our first conference will be with Rick Renner and myself in Mesa, Arizona that will be held in February 2024. Todd Coconato and I are also working on more than one event that will take place. However, even as I am planning all these events with many opportunities on the table, if we choose them, I have a growing sense of direction for what the Spirit is saying to us. Much of it is to place our energy for the year on the World Broadcasting Center.
It has become abundantly clear that we are to focus again, much like we did early in 2020, on media and broadcasting. This will mean, compared to the past several months, the coming year will involve less travel and a lot more live broadcasting. The reason is a higher level of effectiveness for both the Body of Christ and our global audience. Just a few days back, I took a moment and counted from one morning’s live broadcast how many new viewers were watching that had asked Jesus to save them. The response took me aback as I counted roughly 200 people who called out to be saved. Of those who email in, we have been able to give away numerous teachings to them at no charge. I believe that pleases God! One of the things we often talk about here is “How can we make God rich? How can we give Him something He doesn’t already have?” The answer is souls, bringing lost ones to Him and not stopping there but instead developing them. A process called discipleship, our morning broadcast, and Red Church LIVE on Sunday morning exposes many people to the gospel who would never have heard it otherwise. At least not the way we present it.
As we are working on our new broadcast center and developing studio space and, God willing, meeting space, we sense a very high level of responsibility. Since I received the word of the Lord to go LIVE every weekday morning in 2017, I have not stopped doing so. During that first year, there were very few viewers who joined us for the morning broadcasts —Obedience was the reason I kept doing it. In 2019, we began to see our presence and voice growing. At the very beginning of 2020, the Holy Spirit spoke to us and our team that I was to cancel all coming travel engagements and focus entirely on studio broadcasting. We fully implemented that in March 2020 and were positioned when everything began shutting down due to the pandemic.
Servants of Fire Book

Deploying God’s Angelic Army
In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior angels―servants of fire–have been sent to minister to you as an heir of salvation.
Joseph Z, Bible teacher and prophetic seer, reveals the role of God’s angelic warriors who carry out the Word of God on your behalf.
Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. You will learn to…
- Activate and cooperate with angelic forces
- Understand ranks of angels and how they function
- Demystify angelic encounters in the Bible
- Put angels to work with your words
- Experience breakthroughs in prayer
Understand how to partner with these servants of fire so you can experience the maximum impact of a victorious life in God!
I sense, with this coming year we are heading into, there is a new urgency to once again be present for our audience and the many new viewers we are reaching daily. We will travel as we are led and are able. However, this powerful sense of responsibility to raise disciples through media, continue with daily prophetic journalism, and step into TV and other digital spaces is something we are placing our focus on.
One Million for a Billion, that is the word we carry. I believe much of this will be accomplished through media. As a result, we are placing all of our efforts into developing creative ways to raise an army of a million—what I call clear-eyed, clear-minded reformers. By identifying these as clear-eyed and clear-minded it is a counter to the dulling down of society and those who walk in the supernatural space. We are not to be filled with fantastic ideas and stories but rather to be grounded in the written Word of God. From this position, we are to walk in the things of the Spirit mightily. Results are what we must offer, not sensationalism.
Everything we have witnessed God do through this ministry is a humbling thing to behold. We know that it is just the beginning, and should Jesus not return, a foundation is being laid right now for a generational empowerment that will make a global impact for future generations. Something that must be stated is that all the good things we have seen and are experiencing are due to our partners! I want to say, dear partner, we pray for you and believe God has sent you here for this time and hour that we are all walking together. If you had not been with us this past season, we could have never accomplished what the Lord has purposed for us to do. Together, I believe we can do anything the Spirit guides us to do. Please believe that many more will hear the call and respond to join our partner family as the assignment is growing.
As we often do, we pray for you, our dear partners and friends. We talk about you all the time and know that without you, we could certainly not do nearly as much as we are. From the depths of our hearts, thank you.
For Jesus,
Joseph Z