April 2023 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

Here at the outset of this month’s letter, I want to make a special mention to our partners. I am in Colorado Springs near the base of pike’s peak as I write this to you. It is a place where the Spirit of the Lord has assigned me as a watchman. It was just a few days ago that the Spirit of the Lord prompted me to go to the top of Pike’s Peak aka “America’s Mountain.” I did so accompanied by my son Daniel. I was in intercession as we drove that long and breathtaking road. Not only for America—but for you. During this time of deep prayer, I sensed the Lord’s great love for you and began blessing your dreams, visions, and goals. It was imperative that I pray over your destiny and protection, which includes your family and loved ones. Also of great necessity, are the prayers I continually pray over your provision. As it is mightily upon me to intercede and pray over your ability to walk in supernatural means, as we go through the season directly in front of us. I have great joy in my heart when I think of you. Whenever a new partner joins us, we thank God and bless you by name. Our team, staff, and especially Heather and I do not consider you a priority in this ministry, but rather you are THE PRIORITY. Why? Because we value you so much for considering us as a place to stand with. We are deeply honored that you follow God’s leading to support and pray for us. It is our desire to give you our very best in return. Dear partner, Heather and I love you. We pray for you, and we desire to see and hear God’s very best at work in your life. Thank you for sharing your victories and prayer requests with us. We take it very seriously and always will. We love you.
Servants of Fire Book

Release Date: June 6th, 2023
Deploying God’s Angelic Army
In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior angels―servants of fire–have been sent to minister to you as an heir of salvation.
Joseph Z, Bible teacher and prophetic seer, reveals the role of God’s angelic warriors who carry out the Word of God on your behalf.
Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. You will learn to…
- Activate and cooperate with angelic forces
- Understand ranks of angels and how they function
- Demystify angelic encounters in the Bible
- Put angels to work with your words
- Experience breakthroughs in prayer
Understand how to partner with these servants of fire so you can experience the maximum impact of a victorious life in God!
The Call to Come Up Higher!
Recently, I was given a very direct word by the Holy Spirit. It involves several things but mainly a call to rise and meet what He is calling us to do. Revelation 4:1 describes this in part.
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
—Revelation 4:1
A similar experience happened to me as I was standing in a meeting; I could hear the words coming out of the speaker’s mouth, suddenly a different voice spoke to me. It came mightily and hit me with supernatural force! I heard the Spirit clearly and firmly say, “Come up Higher, come up where I AM!” This moment hit me so hard that it knocked me off my feet and back into my seat—The Lord had spoken to me. But what does it mean? To come up higher has many meanings. One is in the reference mentioned already Revelation 4:1 which indicates access to see the courts of Heaven, as an introduction to begin seeing things that are to come. Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Set your mind higher! This is a revelatory statement that indicates when God calls you to do the impossible, it can only be accomplished by the Spirit of the Lord and your cooperation with Him.
So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.
—Zechariah 4:6
There are indeed several applications to such a word. I know for me it was a revelatory moment to join the Lord in a higher walk and new positioning for what He had purposed for me to do. This would require submission and a walk of faith in a greater capacity. In this time, it has become crucial that we walk tightly knit to His Spirit and remove all areas of limitation. By removing all limitations, I mean changing your mindset! I have been challenged by the Spirit to not limit God. The call, by His Spirit, to me, was one to come fulfill a revelatory journey into His highest and best purpose. Of course, there are many prophetic implications to that beckoning. It involves a watchman charge, a seer prophet assignment, and a new growth of capacity, which will allow what God desires in my calling to manifest.
Often time, when prophetic people make statements such as this, they leave it open ended, in a somewhere over the rainbow type of thought process. Let me not be vague for a moment. When I’m speaking of greater capacity, I’m referring to your ability to receive, deliver, and break into whatever the Lord has purposed for you. Greater capacity means you must grow to a place to handle more, to give more, and walk in the fullness of whatever your assignment is, as well as whatever your current mission is.
In the case here regarding what the Spirit has said to me, I know what I am to do. It may take a week, it may take a month, it may require a longer season. What I do know is that I am to completely stop limiting God and do what He has called me to do in this time.
1 Million for A Billion
I would like to share with you, at least in part, what that is. Friends, it is time to expand into a ministry center with a high-level broadcast studio. This will be for our daily broadcast Prophecy LIVE as well as RED Church which will be available every Sunday. Additionally, we are preparing for an increase in television, podcasting, recording high quality teaching for training and raising up the clear-eyedand clear-minded guild of prophetic reformers I am assigned to. The word I carry for this season is, “1 Million for A Billion.” This means we are called to do our part in equipping a million reformers for the purpose of bringing in a last days billion soul harvest!
Travel Campaign & Ministry Center
What this entails is to begin preparing for a ministry center with a meeting space to continue regular meeting and conferences. This center will include studio offices for our growing team. We currently have a travel campaign with an emphasis on purchasing a aircraft. We are nearly halfway there. That campaign is something we are going to pay in full having no debt. The type of building we are looking for will also be a paid in full debt free project. I know it is something God has called us to do, and as such, we will walk in peace.
How Do Your Grow Your Capacity?
The following question should be, how do we grow our capacity? After all it is necessary to grow your capacity to believe, receive, and step into what God is calling you to do. When it comes to lifting weights, and growing stronger in the gym, you must exercise muscle. When it comes to knowing more regarding information, you must study to show yourself approved. If you are going to work a new profession, training is in order. In regard to spiritual things, such as coming up higher, what must be done are all the basics, such as reading your Bible, praying the Word of God, and worship. However, there is one thing that gets added like hot sauce, which will actually grow your capacity to receive and deliver spiritual things. One thing, which when added to the basics, will increase you in every spiritual way.
Red Eagle 1 Campaign
I would like to thank you for praying! Many of our partners often tell us that they are not just supporters but prayer supporters for us. What an honor to have! As demands for good teaching and healthy prophetic ministry grow, we are stepping up to meet them. With your help, we are reaching millions through 20 different social media platforms, ministering in churches and events, as well as taking steps in media, especially toward a new studio. Our new studio will have a tremendous amount of space for live broadcasting, television recording, interviewing special guests, live nights of ministry, and so much more! This and, of course, the DA62, the twin-propeller airplane.
We have taken the first step of placing the down payment on it and are saving up for this wonderful aircraft. Heather will be the first to tell you that I don’t like to travel, but I do it unto the Lord, and this aircraft makes it so much more convenient and will allow us to reach so many more people than ever before. Years ago, I worked in the aviation industry. It was as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for a day when we would reach many people all over America through aviation. Your gifts and support through a partnership are what make this possible. I am so very grateful to you for your generosity toward this project. We have a little ways to go as we are believing for nine hundred thousand dollars to pay the plane off in full. We are currently on a waiting list as there has been a demand, and with supply chain issues, delays have been part of the process. We are taking this as a blessing to have more time to accumulate this additional 900 thousand dollars to pay it off. Thank you for praying with us over this and for your consideration in being a partner with us! We are so thankful to you for being co-laborers with Heather and I on this journey.
Praying in the Spirit
What I am referencing is praying in the Spirit and with understanding. However, there should be a mighty emphasis on praying in the Spirit. It should be normal to spend copious amounts of time praying in the Spirit. More specifically this is what the Bible refers to as praying in tongues. There is praying in tongues that is equal to prophecy and is done in a public declarative manner which requires an interpretation. There is also the much more common (and grossly undertaught and underapplied) function of simply praying in the Spirit for extended amounts of time.
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,
—Jude 1:20
Jude says, we are to build ourselves up on our most holy faith…How? by praying in the Spirit! It is a fascinating thing, because your mind cannot grasp what is happening. Although your inner man can grasp it very well! You will experience joy and power that has no logical root. It is simply from the inner man. When you pray in the Spirit, it is the God-breathed part of you being charged and electrified by cooperating with the Holy Spirit of God. Proverbs states, the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching the inner most parts of his being.
The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart.
—Proverbs 20:27
Notice it says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. This means your God-breathed spirit is connected with God the Father, through Christ Jesus the Son, and is working with the supercharger called the Holy Spirit. Hebrews refers to this spiritual connection at a higher level by saying, we who are born again, are those who now operate and possess spirits of just men made perfect.
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,
—Hebrews 12:23
When you are born again, you have a spiritual perfection, due to being recreated, or reconnected/made alive in God the Father which is a spiritual re-connection.
A mighty charged connection takes place with the Holy Spirit when we ask to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This baptism floods your whole person, but it really is a charging and a baptizing of your human spirit as well! You are not only saved upon receiving Jesus as your Lord, but you can take it a step beyond that, and ask for a special outpouring or baptizing of His Spirit!
Speaking in tongues is your faith-filled response to this baptism. By speaking in tongues, you are praying in the Spirit or allowing your new reborn spirit to experience the fullness of what God’s Holy Spirit has for you. This includes, but is not limited to, direction, miracles, favor, soundness of mind, peace, breakthrough, angelic assistance, and much, much more.
I have personally found that praying in the Spirit, without interfering by analytical thought, and doing so for extended times, brings about impossible breakthroughs and unexpected clarity by the Holy Spirit. Among the many benefits to praying in the Spirit—your capacity will grow to receive everything God has for you!
Be encouraged to pray, read your Bible, and make it a daily habit to pray in the Holy Spirit, and watch what happens in your life! You will find victory on accident!
So, as we are taking steps to acquire what we believe the Lord is asking us to do. Praying in the Spirit is a major part of everything. I ask my team to do it, we personally pray in the Spirit often between moments. I would like to encourage you to pray in the Holy Spirit often! If you would like to be baptized in the Spirit, I encourage you to ask the Lord to baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and then begin opening your mouth by faith, and make sounds until you step into praying in tongues. Sometimes a mighty feeling will happen, sometimes there is no feeling at all! Feelings have nothing to do with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to take the step and begin utilizing this type of prayer as it will change your life, grow your capacity, and direct you to everything God has for you!
Dear friend, as I write this to you, I am agreeing with you for everything God wants you to have. Heather and I love you and we pray for you often.
Would you agree with us as we pursue the things we know God has purposed for us to accomplish in this time! The world is desperately looking for those who will stand up and offer hope and answers in this mad culture.
Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your partnership! We love you very much and I will continue to broadcast every weekday morning. I will be looking for you there!
Thank you for standing with us. We are standing with you!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z