September 2024 Partner Newsletter
Dear Partners and Friends,
There is a war coming against the will of the antichrist.
I see hope while looking at the future, which has patterns and trends telling us a story—darkness wants this land. As I said, regardless of what you and I are looking at. Even if all we see down the road is abysmal clouds rising. Faith is also rising for we who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Those who have lived a while know things are not normal, nor will things ever go back to normal. What we are witnessing is the will of the antichrist wishing to manifest. This demonic influence is pushing hard now, and it is demanding to be heard and obeyed and threatening punishment to anyone who would dare to disobey the wicked commands it blasts across our ears, eyes, and minds. Prevailing is the arrogant belief that so works in those possessed by this dark power, suggesting it has already won this war and we should tuck up and conform. There are, however, many who simply are not going to do that. Many who are Red, those who stand in the blood of the Lamb, declare right back at that evil spirit, “No further! You cannot come into this generation. You cannot stand at this time. This generation belongs to us, and it belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ! You will not win while we are here. You will not rise while we stand.”
Newsletter continues below…
Demystifying the Prophetic – Now Available!

Never before has culture had a greater need for clear, prophetic insight, while never before has so much prophetic error and controversy swirled around us to discredit legitimate prophetic voices. Now, more than ever, true biblical prophecy must take its place at the forefront.
Joseph Z—an international prophetic voice—began encountering the voice of God from a young age through visions and dreams. With wisdom, accuracy, biblical balance, and experience, Joseph offers powerful keys to help you unlock the revelation, interpretation, and application of prophecy.
In Demystifying the Prophetic, Joseph Z will teach you how to:
- Identify real and false prophets
- Activate a clear-minded prophetic lifestyle
- Master your gifts and experiences
- Interpret trances, dreams, entities, déjà vu, and strange phenomena
- Recognize four types of prophets operating in the Church, government, and marketplace
- Discern the signs of the times
Mature prophecy in its pure operation stands unrivaled in power and accuracy against all counterfeit voices. The Church and the world desperately need and deserve this better class of prophetic experience. Jesus desires to work through you and equip you to prophetically navigate these last days!
Their war cry is to overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and love not their lives even unto death (see Revelation 12:11). Why? Because Jesus is coming back! That is right. He is returning very soon, and we need to prepare the world by occupying and doing what we are called and anointed to do and being with who we are supposed to be with.
My great encouragement is that even though war is coming, there will inevitably be a winner. Our faith is founded on the Word of God, and we know what is written; in the end, Jesus wins. Each generation will have battles, take issue with, and contend as believers in the Name above all names. It is true, and now the balance of the future is at our feet. Indeed, God is calling us to act as a nation and as a people. There is a clarion call to stand up in the Spirit. We must act in the natural with urgency or we will not see the desired outcome that the Lord is preparing for us. In rising to meet what is coming this fall through voting and our generation’s decision for the future, here is the primary action I believe the Lord is asking us to take—prayer and fasting. Prayer and fasting is a brutal, no-hold-barred assault against the forces of darkness via the kind of intercession that supernaturally strips the devil of all his plans and power. As I write this to you, Heather and I have been doing just that for the last several days.
Specifically in September and October, we, as partners and intercessors, need to take seriously this powerful force of prayer and fasting. Be watchful during our daily live broadcasts, as we will be announcing more about how to step into prayer and fasting effectively.
More than ever, we can turn the tide of what has been happening in our land. This is no different than the three Hebrew boys who would not bow or Daniel, who stood for righteousness through several different kings. I see a day when righteousness that exalts a nation comes through the church and the national casting down of sin, which is a reproach to any people.
At the beginning of this year, I was a guest on Daystar Television Network, and one of the questions I received was what would happen in America this year? I referenced a prophetic word that came to me around December of 2023. The word was America would bow the knee by either fire or Nineveh. Back in April, we saw a solar eclipse take place, and there were several towns near or within the radius of the eclipse path named Nineveh. I pray that America does not suffer fire to make it bow but rather that it would go the way of Nineveh and see an extension of mercy.
This aligns with the word we have been sharing for over a year: America must repent to repair. Every nation has a purpose on which it was built. Some were developed on Godly principles, and some were built on a different foundation. Any nation built on biblical principles for governing is a nation appointed by God. Any nation not built on those kinds of principles is a nation that desperately needs the people who reside there to hear the gospel. Here in the United States, we have a constitution founded on biblical principles, yet millions of citizens must hear the gospel on an individual level. The question is, what would it look like for a nation to repent? In my estimation, national repentance for a nation founded on biblical principles would be a softening culture that causes a return to that nation’s original purpose. In America, it would be the return to the constitution and religious liberties on which we were founded.
To see the coming generation live, we must stand now and pray that leaders are placed in every office in the land that will help us step into national repentance. The last time there was a national repentance in my mind was in the days and weeks following the attacks of September 11, 2001. We had a moment of that when Donald Trump was nearly assassinated on July 13, 2024. What we must do now as believers is pray, fast, and do every good work in front of us, especially preaching the gospel!
In the spirit, I carry a sense of heaviness, yet I have strong eyes of faith in the future and hope.
You, dear reader and listener, are part of the solution. Maybe you cannot change the geopolitical arena worldwide, but you can intercede quickly. God desires our cooperation to shift the atmosphere and drive back the Babylonian spirit of this age. I believe we can see another round, another day, another long season of light in this land.
Thank you for being our partners and friends! Together, we can make a massive difference!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z