November 2024 Partner Newsletter
Dear Partners and Friends
I want to begin this month’s letter by acknowledging that there has been a monumental shift in the American landscape. We watched live with thousands of viewers on our platform as votes for Donald Trump swept the nation. These next several days and months will inevitably offer a turbulent response from the other side as demonically charged organizations never go out quietly. An outcry from darkness veiled as something else may be on our doorstep. Having said this, we must ask ourselves the question. How should we respond as we see America’s political and future landscape shifting right before our eyes, and what should the response be when darkness reveals its outcry? Our answer is to remember that many generations before us stood under extreme duress and still overcame. More than ever, we are to rise in the spirit and enforce the kingdom of God to see the gospel continue reaching around the world.
Newsletter continues below…
Demystifying the Prophetic – Now Available!

Never before has culture had a greater need for clear, prophetic insight, while never before has so much prophetic error and controversy swirled around us to discredit legitimate prophetic voices. Now, more than ever, true biblical prophecy must take its place at the forefront.
Joseph Z—an international prophetic voice—began encountering the voice of God from a young age through visions and dreams. With wisdom, accuracy, biblical balance, and experience, Joseph offers powerful keys to help you unlock the revelation, interpretation, and application of prophecy.
In Demystifying the Prophetic, Joseph Z will teach you how to:
- Identify real and false prophets
- Activate a clear-minded prophetic lifestyle
- Master your gifts and experiences
- Interpret trances, dreams, entities, déjà vu, and strange phenomena
- Recognize four types of prophets operating in the Church, government, and marketplace
- Discern the signs of the times
Mature prophecy in its pure operation stands unrivaled in power and accuracy against all counterfeit voices. The Church and the world desperately need and deserve this better class of prophetic experience. Jesus desires to work through you and equip you to prophetically navigate these last days!
I believe that we, the Ekklesia––the Church––adjusted the playing field through prayer and presence. The Lord showed me this would happen if the Church would show up. Matthew 24:20 Jesus makes the intriguing and insightful statement, “Pray that these things do not happen in the winter, or on a Sabbath…” Prayers and action changed the playing field. I was speaking with Lance Wallnau before the election took place, and he mentioned a realization he was experiencing. He realized it is vital to shift from discerning what is coming to creating what’s coming. One role is passive, and the other is participatory. I thought that’s it! I have been hearing this when reading Matthew 24:20. God’s will is going to come to pass one way or another as prophecy is concerned. Our participation through prayer and obedience can change the timing of cultural and societal events in our day and time. Even biblical prophetic events, which will inevitably happen, may not be able to occur if the Ekklesia chooses to rise corporately. I believe that this is what has happened. The Church altered a demonic narrative that would have induced the end times much sooner than was necessary.
Now what? We build a kingdom for the future as long as possible and take it as far as possible.
Something has happened that people once only imagined in conversation, yet here it is, the rumblings of a cultural shift. God has given this nation a tremendous gift; we must honor it and lean in with all our might. We have a window to an extension of mercy that came through the prayers and actions of the saints of God, who utilized their God-given authority on this present terrain.
Some with a worldview say that no matter who gets in, demonic forces are being released. I believe that the Church is the deciding factor in all these matters. The Church is responsible for the longevity of the United States. What we say and enforce matters. This is why we are doing our part.
The grace and favor of God have tremendously encouraged me to make an impact. That is all Heather and I ever wanted to do. Make an impact on the world. We often stayed after meetings and prayed for every single person until, at times, when we left to go home, the sun was coming up. Nothing has changed in our hearts; today, we still desire to impact as many as possible, leading us to media. We never had enough to do anything in our early days but went anyway. We were ministering to as many people as possible, teaching in churches, and holding meetings all over America and other nations.
We are currently traveling, so I am writing this letter to you. Heather is next to me, and Jason and Elijah are also along. Over the past week alone, we have ministered nearly 13 times in several locations. As we go and go often, we pray for you, our partners, and our friends. You’re constantly on our minds and hearts because you mean so much to us and our entire team. Your prayers and generosity are why we can go as we do. One day, when we are all standing together for eternity, we will all be impacted by the number of lives we were able to reach as a direct result of your partnership and support.
In one of the places we ministered, a man was brought to us in a private setting, and he had a terrible condition attacking his skin. He was such a good man, along with his wife. Our hearts went out to him. The condition was extreme, with sores the size of dimes all over his arms and starting on his head. It was some form of parasite. He wanted to meet with us because he heard me tell the story of our daughter getting healed when she was covered in scaly hives. Her skin was like sandpaper all over. I was meditating on the truth that Jesus has already healed us in the realm of the spirit, and it is our job to believe that, act on it, and pull what is done in the spirit into the natural. Well, Ali was healed in minutes when we prayed with that revelation. This man quoted Ali’s story to me and believed it would happen to him.
Heather and I, Troy and Leanna Brewer, prayed over him, cursed those parasites, and requested a miracle from heaven. Pastor Troy had us in to minister, and when we began preaching, the man we prayed over began to experience a change in the sores on his body! That night, he went home and woke up to see his sheets and bed, all kinds of worms and scabs falling off him throughout his sleep. This man began to experience a miraculous turnaround. As far as we know, he is on the path of complete restoration!
Everywhere we go, we understand that we are to be carriers of God’s presence and offer people an experience by exposing them to the kingdom of God. We have been invited to political events with doors of tremendous favor that will impact the United States and Israel.
We are urgently preparing our new studio, with the remodel finally underway. There was a lot of resistance to getting the permissions needed to do the work we wanted to do. We’re almost there now, and even as we are beginning, there is a sense of something else I feel the Lord wants us to do.
Everything I’ve ever been asked to do from the Lord has always cost far more than we have had and requires faith to take the steps every time. Phase one of the remodeling of the World Broadcast Center project is finally taking shape. This new studio setup will mean we can accomplish more on several platforms. TV is a new chapter in this ministry, and that alone requires a specific studio operation; in addition to TV, there is the need for editing suites, sound booths, and overall production for our daily live broadcasts on our multi-platform social media audience.
Another space we will advance is specialized programs, such as revisiting a show we did called “Full Disclosure.” In it, we deal with issues that are too clear to show on normal platforms. Therefore, we are constructing a tremendous podcast studio for discussion and examining events and topics ranging from political to paranormal.
I am looking forward to doing that to a higher level.
Part of our remodeling will involve a better way of sending books, teaching materials, and products to you and viewers who order in. Our inventory is growing and requires more storage and workspace, which we are working towards with this remodel.
All of that is what we are referring to as phase one.
Phase two of our development will include expanded staff offices and growing the in-house call center space. This may require us to build another building right on the World Broadcast HQ property. If more than the space we are in is needed to sustain our growing staff and call center, we will begin looking for new property and add on that way. Additionally, we are looking for a conference center to hold regular meetings. We may accomplish this by purchasing land and building on it or acquiring the right location with a meeting space already on it.
Anyone who does anything worthwhile must apply themselves to what they are doing. This is true for every field of labor. Nothing comes without great effort and staying on what you are building until it begins to produce, and even then, you work the growth and keep moving forward until you attain what God has called you to attain.
As Thanksgiving is only days away, I am reminded of how thankful I am for all the Lord has brought us through and how much He loves us and you.
It is time to begin seeing what God has for you and coming into agreement with Him about it. God’s principles are true and work no matter where, who, or the circumstances. Heather and I have consistently believed in creative and accelerated ways to reach the masses through media, conferences, and divine appointments. What God put in our hearts over 25 years ago to do is just now beginning to take the first steps.