June 2023 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,
At the beginning of this Month’s Newsletter I want to say a very special word to our partners. Dear Partner, because of you, we have reached countless lives worldwide. You have helped us minister on television and sent us to preach in stadiums and churches across the USA and worldwide.
I want you to know that we constantly carry you in our hearts and minds. We pray for you and consider it the highest honor you would stand with us. Thank you. Heather and I love you and are grateful you are taking this journey with us!
Back in the year 1999, Heather and I were married. During that time, I remember how much the Lord had placed on our hearts the state of Colorado. At the time, we were living in Minnesota and loved it. Although we had affectionate thoughts about moving to Colorado, we never saw ourselves leaving Minnesota in those days. As the years went by, there were prophetic words spoken to us about mountains and how they related to our ministry. During the early 2010’s my heart began to be pulled toward the front range and high Rockies of Colorado, not just because of the beauty and majesty but also for an assignment.
Servants of Fire Book

Release Date: June 6th, 2023
Deploying God’s Angelic Army
In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior angels―servants of fire–have been sent to minister to you as an heir of salvation.
Joseph Z, Bible teacher and prophetic seer, reveals the role of God’s angelic warriors who carry out the Word of God on your behalf.
Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. You will learn to…
- Activate and cooperate with angelic forces
- Understand ranks of angels and how they function
- Demystify angelic encounters in the Bible
- Put angels to work with your words
- Experience breakthroughs in prayer
Understand how to partner with these servants of fire so you can experience the maximum impact of a victorious life in God!

In 2013, we began placing more of a footprint in Colorado. I was at a retreat in Buena Vista, Colorado, and the setting was significantly calling me. Not long after that, we found ourselves relocating to the high Rockies of Colorado. It wasn’t too long after being in Colorado the Holy Spirit asked me to sit down and pull back from our intense schedule. It was that part of our life where we had been planting churches, ministering, and preaching five or more nights per week with a wonderful team of nearly 40 people. We had traveled the world training people through Schools of the Prophets and ministered in magnificent ways. It was also when Heather suddenly fell ill from hereditary kidney failure. She was rushed into dialysis shortly after nearly collapsing on stage while preaching.
This began a five-year journey and was a constant battle for her life. Much of it due to the way her blood responded to treatments. We were told she did not qualify for a transplant, but praise God, a legitimate miracle occurred at the end of that grueling time! A matching donor from several states away was discovered to be a match for her! We proceeded to transplant; today, she is the grateful recipient of a healthy kidney. We were and continue to be so thankful to the Lord for that miracle. At that same time, however, it became abundantly clear I was going too hard, traveling too much, at a relentless pace, and my family would have paid a severe toll. Leading up to this time, our daughter had the same hereditary issue, and thankfully we caught it early enough to fix it. Shortly beforehand, our son was also diagnosed on the autism spectrum and could not speak. We are so grateful to the Lord that through prayer and help, he grew into being able to communicate very well. Yet, it was a long season of challenges and tremendous ministry momentum all at the same time!

All of it led me to the moment I was standing in those mountains, standing alone after ending a phone call to finalize our final arrangements for a stadium meeting with me as the headline speaker— as a voice to the nation. In a moment of silence, after that phone call ended, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me. “Son, you can go, and I will bless it. Or you can stop everything now, and your family will live.” It was crystal clear, and this caused me to think for a moment. Our momentum and traction as young ministers were about to reach a new level. But here I was, presented with a choice by the Lord. Something we have known in our journey with the Lord is this. If we would do the difficult, God will do the impossible. So at that time in our ministry, I said to the Lord, “Yes, Sir” If God was saying this to me, then who am I to not respond in obedience. A step that meant doing the difficult—canceling this monumental trip.
That is what we did. I canceled the trip and began to spend time with my family. What I thought would be only a few weeks or a couple of months turned into nearly three years. A strong two years of that time were spent getting reacquainted with our family. I did a few ministry things in between, but it was nothing compared to what we had been doing. Heather and I were able to take the kids to school every morning, be present for defining moments, and celebrate life together. What a precious time it was, indeed. It was a wonderful experience, but most importantly, our kids knew we chose them over the ministry and everyone else. Many years ago, one man of God, a tenured ministry veteran, once asked me a question. He said, “Joe, do you want a big ministry or a life? With family?” I didn’t answer, I simply pondered the question. He said, “Success for some might be defined as your willingness and capacity to bear pain.” One thing I did know was ministry wasn’t worth losing my family over.

Seasons have come and gone since that question, and today after pondering it. The answer I’ve come to is if you walk in obedience and willingness, you can walk in grace and a lane you belong in. As a result, obedience will unite you to the best possible future for you and your family. That includes young, old, or even if you feel that time has passed. I PROMISE YOU THIS! It is NEVER too late with God. Following His voice and will, have guidance that will make plan B, C, D, E, F, G, and on, all the same, or better than plan A!
Obeying God and following His known will is the best form of living. To me, this has answered the issue of having a life or a ministry. Simply obey and be good with the station God assigns you to. Alignment with the right people and location will be a part of things as you seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first, and all the other things will be added unto you. Prioritize the kingdom, God’s ways, and lifestyle. Everything else is waiting to fall in line. It is a Spiritual law because the Word says it!
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
—Matthew 6:33.
Colorado has been our home since that decision to step back, and we feel more connected to it than ever. We have several friends worldwide and have great potential to place a footprint in many additional locations. However, we sense Colorado Springs is a place of development and growth for our team and us to base out of at this time in our lives.
Come up Higher. Come up where I Am!
Recently, the Holy Spirit gave me a very direct word, which came so strong that it knocked me down into a chair. The word involves several things, mainly a call to rise and meet what He calls Heather and me to do. Revelation 4:1 describes this in part.
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.”
—Revelation 4:1
As I was standing in a meeting, although I could hear the words coming out of the speaker’s mouth, a different voice suddenly spoke to me. It came mightily and hit me with supernatural force! That’s’ when I fell into my seat. Then, I heard the words: “Come up Higher—come up where I AM!”
Falling back into my seat resulted from that moment and followed with the internal question I asked the Lord, what does it mean for me to come up higher right now? While praying and looking at the previous scripture, “To come up higher” has more than one meaning.
One reference mentioned in Revelation 4:1 indicates access to see the courts of heaven as an introduction to begin seeing things to come. Colossians 3:2 says, Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Set your mind higher! This revelatory statement indicates when God calls you to do the impossible. It can only be accomplished by the Spirit of the Lord and your cooperation with Him.
So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts.
—Zechariah 4:6
There are indeed several applications to such a word. I know the lights went on as I looked at these scriptures and pondered what the Spirit said. I understood it was a revelatory moment to join the Lord in a higher walk and new positioning for what He had purposed for me to do. This would require submission and a walk of faith in a greater capacity.
Remove all Areas of Limitation
In this time, it has become crucial that we walk tightly knit to His Spirit and remove all areas of limitation. By eliminating all limitations, I mean changing your mindset! The Spirit has challenged me to remove all limits I have placed on God. The call by His Spirit to me was one to come to fulfill a revelatory journey into His highest and best purpose. Of course, there are many prophetic implications to that beckoning. It involves a watchman charge, a seer prophet assignment, and a new growth of capacity which will allow what God desires in my calling to manifest. It is also a high call to expand the ministry, which involves stretching steps of faith!
When prophetic people often make statements such as this, they leave it open-ended, in a somewhere over-the-rainbow thought process. Let me not be vague for a moment. When speaking of greater capacity, I’m referring to your ability to receive, deliver and break into whatever the Lord has purposed for you. Greater capacity means you must grow to a place to handle more, give more and walk in the fullness of your assignment and your current mission.
1 Million for A Billion
In the case here regarding what the Spirit has said to me, I know what I am to do. It may take a week. It may take a month. It may require a more extended season. Nevertheless, I know that I am to stop limiting God and do what He has called me to do at this time.
I would like to share with you what this means to me. The word I carry for this season is “1 Million for A Billion.” A word defining what we are called to do as we fulfill our part in the kingdom. An equipping of a million reformers to bring in a last day’s billion soul harvest!
Travel Campaign & Ministry Center
Friends, to fulfill the vision God has given me, it is time to expand into a Head Quarters and ministry center with a high-level broadcast studio, which will be for our daily broadcast “Prophecy LIVE,” and RED Church which will be available every Sunday. Additionally, we are preparing for an increase in television, podcasting, recording high-quality teaching for training, and raising the clear-eyed, clear-minded guild of prophetic reformers to which I am assigned.
This entails preparing for a ministry center with a meeting space to continue regular meetings and conferences. This center will include studio offices for our growing team. Additionally, we currently have a travel campaign emphasizing purchasing an aircraft. We are nearly halfway there! That campaign is something we are going to pay in full, having NO DEBT. The type of building we are looking for will also be a paid-in-full debt-free project, which we are looking for right now. Please agree with us and your faithful support as we prayerfully take these necessary steps. I know it is something God has called us to do so that we will walk in peace. Now is the time for increase and expansion. We are honored to serve Jesus in our generation and will keep you updated as things progress!
On behalf of myself and Heather, we love you.
For Jesus,
Joseph Z