January 2022 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

Let me begin by thanking our partners. Dearest partner, you have allowed us to build a foundation for what the Lord has placed on us to accomplish this coming season. I wish Heather and I could convey how much you mean to us and how much we pray for you. Whenever there have been days of discouragement I often think of you, our partner, and your faithfulness to stand with us—it gives me strength and great motivation to continue! Thank you for being our partner in this journey, you have made it possible for me to be live nearly every weekday Monday through Friday. You have helped us in the starting phase of this ministry and media outreach. You have been vital in assisting us with travel, and the airplane is near the halfway mark of being paid for! As a partner, you have allowed us to build a basic studio with good equipment to accomplish what was needed this past season. Not to mention our offices for our staff and team. At this time, our team consists of 18 dedicated staff members—a media department, administrative, travel, and executive. We often wear different hats to help each other get the job done, but together we have been able to reach a tremendous amount of people all over the world this past year alone!
I have had a prompting and leading of the Spirit to begin a new phase of our ministry this year. Phase 1 of this includes attaining our own ministry offices and land to house both our offices and a new larger and more versatile studio as well as a production complex. This is something that has been on my heart for several years and I strongly believe this is the year to step into phase 1 of this plan. One reason this is so significant is it has long been my desire to better care for our partners. We would have additional space to have our partner care team together and be able to serve you better. It just thrills me to think about serving our partners better. Your partnership is a major factor in accomplishing this! Please pray along with Heather and me as we step out by faith to establish phase 1 of what we sense the Lord is leading us towards.
Breaking Hell’s Economy Book
Your guide to last-days supernatural provision. Forward by Gene Bailey, the host of Flashpoint Live, with a very special endorsement by Rick Renner. This book was written by the urgent direction of the Holy Spirit. It didn’t seem to make sense then, but after obeying and seeing where we are in the world today, I know THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU. It is not another book on prosperity; this is a book on BEING THE SUPERNATURAL LIGHT IN DARKNESS and the extreme ways God will take care of you in the middle of dark days. It was dark in Egypt, but it was light in Goshen! It is time for the GLORY OF THE LORD TO BE REVEALED! I believe you will discover a PROPHETIC NOW WORD for where we are and how to stand in the coming days!
A Year of Focus and Building!
As we do each year; Heather and I released a New Year’s Eve special broadcast. Some years we hold a physical meeting, other years we simply broadcast what we sense the Lord is saying for the days ahead. It is not vital in my estimation to prophesy in the confines of the coming year or to predict what will happen within a specific twelve-month time frame. Although I would if that was something I sensed the Spirit wanted me to do. Rather of greatest importance to Heather and me is to convey what the Spirit is actually saying. This is the heart of each and every prophetic word we put out. If you have not watched or listened to our New Years’ Eve broadcast please consider doing so as there are elements of it that have already come into motion.
Throughout the last few years, we have seen things that would have been hard to imagine. We are definitely in a different world, but you don’t have to fear or shrink back at all. Recently, I pondered the ultimate answer for your life and every person’s life as we are together navigating these uncertain times. The answer is so simple, profound, and will take a lifetime of continual fellowship to grow into… It is this—to know Him. Knowing Jesus and surrendering more and more to the process of being in His image is the ultimate journey. As far as destinies go, we may only have so many options because of time and age. A wonderful thought regardless of age, purpose, and where you may be in your destiny, is knowing we have a future that is so bright in Jesus, we will need to wear sunglasses to look at it! Along these same lines is something to consider, your life today, tomorrow, and where you might be heading with the time you have. Let me introduce this thought with a quote, Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth leading.” Although this is not a biblical statement Socrates’ statement carries a powerful principle.
I want you to think about the last time you examined yourself. When we partake of communion, we are commanded to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. An examination of where you are and where you are heading is a very wise thing.
Red Eagle 1 Campaign
I would like to thank you for praying! Many of our partners often tell us that they are not just supporters but prayer supporters for us. What an honor to have! As demands for good teaching and healthy prophetic ministry grow, we are stepping up to meet them. With your help, we are reaching millions through 20 different social media platforms, ministering in churches and events, as well as taking steps in media, especially toward a new studio. Our new studio will have a tremendous amount of space for live broadcasting, television recording, interviewing special guests, live nights of ministry, and so much more! This and, of course, the DA62, the twin-propeller airplane.
We have taken the first step of placing the down payment on it and are saving up for this wonderful aircraft. Heather will be the first to tell you that I don’t like to travel, but I do it unto the Lord, and this aircraft makes it so much more convenient and will allow us to reach so many more people than ever before. Years ago, I worked in the aviation industry. It was as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for a day when we would reach many people all over America through aviation. Your gifts and support through a partnership are what make this possible. I am so very grateful to you for your generosity toward this project. We have a little ways to go as we are believing for nine hundred thousand dollars to pay the plane off in full. We are currently on a waiting list as there has been a demand, and with supply chain issues, delays have been part of the process. We are taking this as a blessing to have more time to accumulate this additional 900 thousand dollars to pay it off. Thank you for praying with us over this and for your consideration in being a partner with us! We are so thankful to you for being co-laborers with Heather and I on this journey.
Do not be upset or troubled by the circumstances the world is presenting us. An examined person, who has undergone self-examination realizes that the circumstances around them may not change—but they can. To be even more clear, let me say that although everything you are facing may not change overnight, the things you see and hear in the world around you may continue to get worse. The ultimate answer for you as an individual is to recognize that you can change. It should also be said, that change isn’t real change until it’s changing on the inside. Or real heart level change. This may mean, correcting your thoughts, engaging in a disciplined lifestyle, or simply an attitude adjustment. Discipline that forms habits is the way to develop real change on the inside. For example, you may not, even in the least, have a heart change towards a particular discipline or positive life step. What you can do is apply discipline and routine to that area until your heart becomes trained on what to believe! Let’s take Bible reading for example. Your heart and inner desire may not be telling you, yes, let’s just read and read some more! More often than not it takes force-feeding yourself the Word of God until it starts taking root in you for you to have a heart change. Do you see what I mean? Change comes by applying pressure to your flesh until you have carved out a new habit. That is a large part of the framework for a heart change.
Now self-examination can only truly occur by reading the Bible until it starts talking back to you. There is a second part to the biggest enemy, and it goes in hand with self-examination. It is the plight of unbelief. Unbelief is a killer! It kills the Gospel; it kills your potential; it kills miracles. As a matter of fact, Jesus was limited by the unbelief of people. To the point, He marveled at their unbelief! Mark 6:4-6 reads, “But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.’ Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching.” In Jesus’ case, they were diminishing who He was out of familiarity, and we know that familiarity breeds contempt.
Here is the main point I wish to make to you. Self-examination by the Bible will root out unbelief. Each of us has been given a measure of our faith in Jesus. Meaning, we all have the faith of God working in us. However, it isn’t that we need more faith! We need to confront our unbelief! In the account recorded where the disciples were trying to cast out a demon and could not, Jesus spoke out some very revealing information. Matthew 17:19-21 says, “Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, ‘Why could we not cast it out?’ So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.’”
Most people believe that Jesus was talking about the evil spirit. That only through prayer and fasting will this kind of evil spirit leave. However, upon closer examination, we realize Jesus was not talking about the demon! He was talking about their unbelief! He was saying this kind of unbelief can only come out of you by prayer and fasting. Then you will be able to move whatever mountain you are facing. What a revelation! It is not about needing more faith, it is all about getting rid of unbelief or the hardening of your heart.
Now, as the world descends into darker times and evil seems to be running wild. Remember, this is nothing new. The early church dealt with this on a level we have not yet experienced. And still, they prayed for those in authority and continued preaching the Gospel. Our greatest battle is to stand up with an examined life and be rid of unbelief. The man or woman who has this at work in their life is unstoppable.
I declare this is you right now! You are full of faith and casting aside unbelief. You are growing in an examined life before the Lord and are being found faithful. Remember, Jesus wants you to win more than you do. He is committed to your development even in the middle of unprecedented times. Fear not; be full of faith! God delights in making His servants radiant in the middle of dark times.
I bless you today and declare the promises of God are coming alive in you right now in Jesus’ Name!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z