February 2024 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

As I write this month’s newsletter, Heather and I are returning home to beautiful Colorado. As we boarded the plane, a young lady was waiting in line right next to us, covered in tattoos, and asking us if our flight was going to Colorado and if she was in the right line. Heather explained to her that it was the correct line to be in for Colorado. As this young lady said thank you, I realized the Holy Spirit wanted me to speak to her. So I asked her by the unction of the Holy Spirit, “How are your parents?” she answered, “Well, my mom is ok, but I’m going to see my dad for the first time.” I prophetically replied, “Because he just came out from being incarcerated?” She said, “Yes, he is just getting out.” We were able to speak to her further and tell her how much of a plan Jesus had for her life.
Even now, as I write this, my heart is aching for hurting kids and people everywhere—even more so, how much God hurts for these. His heart carries so much pain for them all. Once again, I am moved by an intense desire to see His missing creation come to Him. I cannot shake the deep motivation to give Him the one thing He does not possess: His missing creation.
God doesn’t possess a massive part of His creation, even though He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and says all the silver and the gold belong to Him. What He does not have, is souls! There are so many more to win, and the only thing we know to do is raise a domino effect towards others who will win as many as they can. I desire to raise a million to reach a billion. It burns in me to make God as rich as possible!
He set us free. He is the Way, the Truth, and Life—in response, we should give our whole life back to Him as a living sacrifice. This is the path I’ve chosen, and we will burn to reach as many as possible with every available means. In our case, there is a special emphasis on media and daily broadcasts. This is the first line of offense in raising a million clear-eyed, clear-minded, and highly committed disciples to reach a billion for Him!
As we continue to grow a vast audience, we will continue to develop more ways, with the Holy Spirit’s assistance, to build an army of a million. My eyes fill with tears as I write this to you because it burns intensely within me. We are committed to giving our Father what He desires. I hope you will stand with us in this vision—A Million for a Billion.
Scripture clearly states there is more rejoicing in heaven over one soul who turns to Jesus and repents.
Luke 15:8: “Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!’ 10 Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Carefully note the language here – not “joy on the part,” but “joy in the presence of the angels of God.”
Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”
But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? —James 2:20
It is not sufficient to simply burn with the heart of God! It requires massive action with consistent execution to accomplish the calling of God, to see a million raised to ultimately reach a billion—many ministers and ministries miss it right here—in partnering with God!
God is waiting for us to link with Him to do the impossible! He doesn’t just want you to accomplish the difficult, no! He wants so much more! God is looking for someone to partner with Him to accomplish the impossible. If your ultimate goal is not impossible, I question if God asked you to do it! The vision, dream, or mandate will not be possible without Him.
Without Him, there is no possibility of it happening or coming to pass, but with Him, all things are possible. He is looking for someone who will simply believe Him! Beyond their fears, doubts, and unbelief, He desires that someone will take Him at His Word and accomplish the impossible! Someone said faith is defined as acting like the Word of God is true!
For me and in our current lives, this applies to three areas. Media, Property, and Travel! The things the Spirit of God has placed on my heart and mind are staggering to think about in the natural. However, He simply asked me to believe for it, for His glory. Here is why! Life is very short, and the urgency I sense daily is intense. There is an urgency to raise a million to reach a billion and to do this to the highest and best potential. There will be more and more need for locations to pour into reformers. You may have heard me speak about the burnt stones, the Cinderellas, and the young lions. Not to mention the Rudolfs! The Spirit of the Lord has placed my attention on these different types of reformers. These represent different classes of leaders for this oncoming time we are being marshaled into.
There is a clear word for leaders currently. God is going to elevate the humble. Some time ago, the Lord spoke to me so clearly, saying, “Joseph, if you will remain small in your own eyes, I can really use you…” He then said, “And I really want to use you.” When I heard this, it filled me with tears for the Lord because it became clear to me that He has so few who will actually do that—develop humility. It is pride when a man or woman is called by God and is meant to do something monumental for Him but will not partner with Him to accomplish projects beyond their ability. When projects for Him are within our scope and our ability to accomplish, we are not partnering with God. Religion or our views of faith lead many to think that we should only venture into the realm of what is possible in our own natural abilities. That is pride. Partnering with God is to step into faith, stretching out more and more, believing His words are true, and acting on them. It takes discovering what He has called you to do, whether you are a leader or a Christ follower—intense dedication is required to achieve what He has called you to do.
Not only a discovery of the calling but an unfettered belief in the abilities of God coupled with high actions. To do the impossible, or rather, believe God for the impossible, there must be a strong posture of faith, one which views the impossible as doable with God rather than an objective God is reluctant about—Faith comes alive when you have the realization that He is more thrilled about it than you are!
UPCOMING EVENT: Mesa, AZ February 9th-10th. REGISTRATION FREE includes all 4 sessions:
NOTE time changes due to city event: FRI 7PM; SAT 12:30PM, 3PM, 7PM. REGISTER HERE: https://www.itickets.com/events/476305
Servants of Fire Book

Deploying God’s Angelic Army
In the realm of the spirit, invisible forces contend over the will of God for your life, but you are not alone in this fight. Warrior angels―servants of fire–have been sent to minister to you as an heir of salvation.
Joseph Z, Bible teacher and prophetic seer, reveals the role of God’s angelic warriors who carry out the Word of God on your behalf.
Servants of Fire delivers sound biblical instruction to unveil the realm of the spirit and bring to pass the will, plans, and purposes of God on the earth. You will learn to…
- Activate and cooperate with angelic forces
- Understand ranks of angels and how they function
- Demystify angelic encounters in the Bible
- Put angels to work with your words
- Experience breakthroughs in prayer
Understand how to partner with these servants of fire so you can experience the maximum impact of a victorious life in God!
Think about this: His eternal perspective, His point of view regarding all those who have lived before us and are now in eternity. Those who asked God for impossible objectives never fully saw them come to pass due to a sense that our God may not want to give them what they believed for or limited His ability by their religious lens. Years of contemplating how God is, or the toil of trying and striving to find what the “rules” really are regarding God—what is possible with Him is the question we should be answering by the Word of God.
Sobering is a good word to describe how few ever figure out that God is boundless, and He does want to work with us in the great CO-mission, not the great mission. CO or together is how He has chosen to accomplish His will on earth. One way of looking at this is that if we, His Body, or Ekklesia, do not fulfill our part of that great CO-Mission, it will be delayed. It may be that the Lord has not returned yet, as the Body of Christ has not yet fulfilled its part in the great commission! God is not in a hurry. If one generation does not complete their assignment, He will work with the following one until His expectations and plans for humanity have come to pass.
God’s ultimate plans may be delayed until He finds those who will eagerly search for Him with all their hearts! Jeremiah 29:13 says as much,” And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” During all the grappling, He is looking for someone who will believe Him! Like Abraham! To simply seek Him out. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter. The glory of kings to search out a matter. To accomplish His will on earth as it is in heaven, there needs to be some searching out—or better stated, a revelation of what is possible in Him!
Ultimately, one of the avenues that must be developed is growing in God’s economy. A revelation of radical generosity mixed with intense productivity or consistent hard work! That’s right! Faith and partnering with God requires belief, but it requires an intense dedication to daily consistency or, again—hard work. There is no substitute for consistent hard work. Without hard work, all the faith you may be applying will simply be smoke without substance or fulfillment.
Proverbs says the hand of the diligent will rule—that is what we believe in this ministry: Diligence. A long time ago, it dawned on me that although I may not be the most talented or skilled for the task at hand, I can be diligent. Diligence toward anything causes productivity. We have a saying at this ministry: Do not mistake activity for productivity. Many have this issue, a lot of activity without any productivity. Productivity is crucial as it is the works part that coincides with our faith. One area we are being highly diligent in is toward paying off our building. We have been taking massive action toward getting our building paid off and then remodeled. It may take several months before we see the fruition of that, but through diligence and consistent productivity, we will keep going until it is done. Another point that we are reaching toward in faith is in land. It has long been a clear sense in my heart that property to offer leadership training, strengthening, and extended times away with the Lord is a vital part of the mandate God has given us. Seasonally, there have been moments when the Spirit will tug at my heart or even draw me with greater urgency to step away for uninterrupted prayer.
Our ministry was birthed this way, and it remains a priority. One or more locations for development, prayer, and engaging the watchmen/seer anointing that we are called to move in is something I keep hearing in my Spirit. We are to prepare for what the Lord is saying for the future!
I would like to share an update with you: we are resuming our pursuit of an airplane. Many friends and partners have given their support to this project, and we are closer than ever! We will update you on the developments regarding your generosity for this tool for the kingdom.
One friend of mine calls an airplane a time capsule! They are correct! More people reached, with less wear and tear on our bodies. We will be able to continue serving the body of Christ at a greater level by going to churches, conferences, special assignments, news locations, and prophetic directives. Something many might find humorous is that Heather and I (by nature) don’t desire to travel. We do it with enthusiasm and joy as part of our assignment, which is part of what we consider productivity. We do it as a service unto the Lord and His precious Body. Therefore, we always choose to do it as worship and, as I said, enthusiasm by choice.
Travel, land, and purchasing the World Broadcast Center are forerunners to the notion that we are to create spaces for reformers. The Lord showed me that getting our recent building is simply practice. Practice for greater projects in God’s heart. Our recent building is named the World Broadcast Center because we believe that we will reach the entire world! After all, we are called to raise a million to win a billion!
I desire to keep you updated and informed each month by these newsletters. Our next newsletter will have more updates and, God willing, good news as we report on the progress and new things happening here!
Thank you for your generous support! Heather and I love you so much and pray for you constantly. Remember, this year and beyond will be a wild ride, but on a Bad Day, You are Anointed to be the Best There Is!
More to come! For Jesus,
Joseph Z

UPCOMING EVENT: Mesa, AZ February 9th-10th. REGISTRATION FREE includes all 4 sessions:
NOTE time changes due to city event: FRI 7PM; SAT 12:30PM, 3PM, 7PM. REGISTER HERE: https://www.itickets.com/events/476305