December 2022 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,
I want to say thank you to the partners and friends of this ministry. Your kindness and faithful support of this mandate to teach, proclaim, and prophecy is invaluable! We pray for you daily. It is the time of year when many consider their end-of-the-year giving, and we would like you to prayerfully consider standing with us financially as we get closer to the new year. Partners, we love you.
Did you know your life matters far more than you may realize? You are a free moral agent, which means you can make decisions and choices as well as actions. Meaning, there is a cause and effect simply by your existence. Those who choose to do more with their free agency have the potential to change and impact a greater sphere. You are that person. I just know it about you!
Your life is filled with the potential of God within it. The Holiday season can bring out a variety of emotions, some wonderful and positive, but not for everyone. That is why, regardless of your position or how this season makes you feel, you must know that your great Creator believes in you, and it is His great pleasure to see you become everything you were designed for.
Breaking Hell’s Economy Book
Your guide to last-days supernatural provision. Forward by Gene Bailey, the host of Flashpoint Live, with a very special endorsement by Rick Renner. This book was written by the urgent direction of the Holy Spirit. It didn’t seem to make sense then, but after obeying and seeing where we are in the world today, I know THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU. It is not another book on prosperity; this is a book on BEING THE SUPERNATURAL LIGHT IN DARKNESS and the extreme ways God will take care of you in the middle of dark days. It was dark in Egypt, but it was light in Goshen! It is time for the GLORY OF THE LORD TO BE REVEALED! I believe you will discover a PROPHETIC NOW WORD for where we are and how to stand in the coming days!
The question may arise, “Well, Joseph, how do I discover what I’m designed to do?” The answer is to stop trying to figure out everything you don’t understand and get busy with the things you do understand. Recently, I was having a conversation with someone who did not know what to do with their future and was struggling emotionally and mentally over it. I suggested if they would get busy being faithful to the things that were right in front of them—and work hard at them, three things would happen.
- They would rise and find promotion in whatever they worked diligently in or see another door open as they were working.
- They would not feel such a strong depression or anxiety over their future.
- They would develop a sense of self-respect, which is powerful. Only you know if you gave it your all. When you do, your heart knows it and your outcome is easier to navigate.
The same is true for you. Your main calling and worth are found simply in Jesus. However, when trying to figure out what’s next or what to do. Stand firmly on what you do know! From that position work hard and be diligent with what you have in front of you. If put into motion, these are powerful life-changing principles. More than ever, we need to apply this understanding to where we are in the culture we are living in, to outlast the storms that are swirling. You may not be able to change everything around you—but you can change yourself!
Don’t overthink everything; get busy. Keep yourself in the Word of God, pray, and outwork the issues. Remember how Elijah found Elisha? He was plowing, working to be productive with what was in front of him. Please consider the same thing in your path. Elisha finished what Elijah started. The lesson is to be productive, work, and spend time in the presence of the Lord at every available moment. Something will find you. God doesn’t look for abilities; He searches for faithfulness and those who have a heart willing to do what He asks. This is, again, only found by diligence.
Red Eagle 1 Campaign
I would like to thank you for praying! Many of our partners often tell us that they are not just supporters but prayer supporters for us. What an honor to have! As demands for good teaching and healthy prophetic ministry grow, we are stepping up to meet them. With your help, we are reaching millions through 20 different social media platforms, ministering in churches and events, as well as taking steps in media, especially toward a new studio. Our new studio will have a tremendous amount of space for live broadcasting, television recording, interviewing special guests, live nights of ministry, and so much more! This and, of course, the DA62, the twin-propeller airplane.
We have taken the first step of placing the down payment on it and are saving up for this wonderful aircraft. Heather will be the first to tell you that I don’t like to travel, but I do it unto the Lord, and this aircraft makes it so much more convenient and will allow us to reach so many more people than ever before. Years ago, I worked in the aviation industry. It was as if the Holy Spirit was preparing me for a day when we would reach many people all over America through aviation. Your gifts and support through a partnership are what make this possible. I am so very grateful to you for your generosity toward this project. We have a little ways to go as we are believing for nine hundred thousand dollars to pay the plane off in full. We are currently on a waiting list as there has been a demand, and with supply chain issues, delays have been part of the process. We are taking this as a blessing to have more time to accumulate this additional 900 thousand dollars to pay it off. Thank you for praying with us over this and for your consideration in being a partner with us! We are so thankful to you for being co-laborers with Heather and I on this journey.
A great way of looking at this is, if you can overcome yourself—nothing is impossible. You are the biggest issue in your life! For clarification you need to align your thoughts, weaknesses, discipline to see things through, mental and physical health, how you manage relationships, and everything involving your response to the world around you, with the Word of God. If you get a handle on yourself—victory is sure. It is the holiday season and a time of reflection. Be strong in the Lord, and ask yourself, what was the last thing God told me to do? Have you done it? Are you still doing it? If so, continue, and you will find favor for the next thing He has for you. This is how favor and blessing are activated in your life.
My friend, allow me to pray for you. Lord Jesus, I lift up my friend to You right now. I ask that during this holiday season, You would do something special in their life. That conflicts would be resolved, that peace would be in their dwelling, that joy would flood their hearts, and that those they love would be around them. I bless them and speak the goodness of God in every area of their life.

My friend, Jesus loves you, and so do I. I believe this will be the best holiday season of your life! Thank you for your support and belief.
Heather and I both want to wish you a Very Merry Christmas!
For Jesus,
Joseph Z