August 2022 Partner Newsletter
Dearest Partner,

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to write to you! Let me start by declaring that times of crisis fatigue will come and go—but YOU WERE BUILT TO LAST! Heather and I often say, when facing a difficult issue, “This trial has the shelf life of a banana!” This is how we disesteem the issues that try to take a position in our journey. This mindset is vital for you right now, especially due to the season we are in.
It is remarkable when we look back over the last three years how much has changed! Ever since the pandemic, our ministry dramatically changed. It was just a few short years ago, well before the pandemic, in the fall of 2017, that the Spirit of the Lord made His presence known to me while I was praying in my truck. This was during a time of great surrender and listening to the Holy Spirit. It was at this moment that He said, “You know what I’ve called you to do.” Referencing the prophetic ministry. I fully surrendered when I heard His voice, which led to a time at the beginning of 2018 when the Holy Spirit prompted me with an assignment. It was early in the morning when I sensed His voice compelling me to go LIVE every weekday morning. My answer to the Lord was, “Yes, Sir.”
In the beginning, I was doing daily Bible teaching and occasionally speaking about current events. Each time I would address current events, it would strike a chord with our viewers. However, I felt as if it wasn’t a good thing for me to do, mostly because we have always been so dedicated to the preaching and teaching of the Bible. Often in my heart, after talking about current events, there would be a sense of not being reverent enough regarding teaching the Word only. So, I would pull back from talking about current events and focus on scripture and a daily word of encouragement. That is until one morning in 2019, after finishing up a two-week live series—a supernatural visitation took place. It was an angelic messenger. The room changed and began to fill up with the power of God. The presence of God was palpable and grew stronger until, at the height of this moment, a voice clearly spoke to me, calmly but with great power. It was clear to me an angelic messenger was delivering something that we needed to hear. Several things were said, however, one thing stood out very clear. The message was, “I am sent here for a turn of the tide. The Lord has a greater need of your ministry after the 2020 election than He does today—Prepare!”
These were clear marching orders for the coming season. Heather was with me in the room as more information was delivered—we were both enveloped in the presence of God.
We knew from this visitation that we would be having new team members joining us and that we were to be very sensitive going into 2020. At the very beginning of that new year, I had just returned from a trip to South Africa, Mexico, and a short preaching tour in the United States, when the Spirit of the Lord moved on my heart to cancel all travel and preaching engagements. We sensed an urgency to focus on getting our studio ready for daily broadcasting. I brought this before my team, and they confirmed this sense. So, we did it. Shortly following this decision, the pandemic broke out, the shutdowns happened, and the world dramatically changed… but we were completely ready for daily broadcasts.
One of the main things I sensed we were to do during that time was prophetic journalism. Meaning, reporting and commenting on current events in the news and otherwise, only with the spirit of prophecy, which we know is ultimately the testimony of Jesus (see Revelation 19:10). Along with this, we have continued preaching the Word, delivering timely words of encouragement, and letting the Lord guide us through several teaching series (which we released during our Tuesday night broadcasts). It seemed good to our leadership team and us that this was to be a direction we took seriously. So we did. As a result, over the last two years, we have seen unconventional things take place for us and this ministry.
We have reached scores of people who were far away from God, as well as many first-time salvations. All of this is due to hearing and obeying what we sensed was a direction for much of our daily LIVE broadcasts. During this same time, we saw a tremendous surge in monthly partners, which allowed us to develop so many things where media and accessibility are concerned. One of those is our App, we had priced out other companies to build one for us. However, between cost and contractual obligations, we decided against giving up our autonomy. Our new Joseph Z App is still being developed in real-time, but it is ours for a fraction of the cost and zero contracts, and best of all, it is available right now! We built it and have our servers in-house, so it cannot be taken away if something I say does not agree with other platforms.
The world we are living in is very different from the world we knew only a few short years ago. I believe our ministry is here to make a major difference in this generation, and let me tell you something! You, dear partner, have made a world of difference in reaching the lives of countless people around the world. As it stands, while I’m writing this letter to you, we currently reach an average of Eleven Million people every month through roughly twenty different social media platforms—and that number is rapidly growing! I’m reminded of our earlier days when Heather and I first started Z Ministries, we had a calling from the Lord based on 2 Thessalonians 3:1
That the word of the Lord would run swiftly and be glorified…
—2 Thessalonians 3:1
Red Eagle 1 Campaign

This calling and mandate remain the same today. Only now, we are doing a large portion of it through social media with a heart to reach churches all around the USA and the world. You have been instrumental in seeing this vision come to pass, and we are literally only beginning. It is our desire to see so many more lives impacted through the prophetic ministry God has made us stewards of, as well as making disciples through media and reaching as many as we can as far as we can go.
One of the ways we plan to do this is through the small twin-propeller airplane—the DA62. Our partners and live viewers affectionately named it the Red Eagle 1. So, we have called it the Red Eagle 1 Campaign. This plane will be a tremendous tool for the gospel. Because of your generosity, we finally reached a position where we were able to place an order for this DA62 airplane— that will take a year for them to build and for us to receive it.
We have over three hundred thousand dollars toward the aircraft already, and we are in faith and diligently taking steps to get this plane paid in full by the time we take delivery. Diamond Air, the aircraft maker, cannot give us an exact delivery date as they are building the plane, and due to shortages and citing supply chain issues, they asked us to be patient with them. We take this as a God-given opportunity for more time to pay it off in full. We have had many of you act with amazing generosity toward this project by partnering with the ministry, we have at the time of this newsletter nearly 1 million dollars to go, but because of your generosity, we know we are on the path to a debt-free tool for the gospel, and we are SO GRATEFUL TO YOU!
With this plane, we can travel anywhere in the US with up to seven passengers. Because of its unique state-of-the-art engineering, this plane is the equivalent, if not cheaper, for us to take seven team members at the same price as one commercial airline ticket. Not to mention, we can land nearly anywhere if needed, fields, dirt roads, etc. Dave Pollock is our on-staff pilot and has owned this type of aircraft, which makes him very familiar with it. Another interesting development is Dave, and I were offered to receive additional flight and safety training as a service to our ministry— we were blown away by this offer as it would make the overall safety and experience very beneficial.
Breaking Hell’s Economy Book
Your guide to last-days supernatural provision. Forward by Gene Bailey, the host of Flashpoint Live, with a very special endorsement by Rick Renner. This book was written by the urgent direction of the Holy Spirit. It didn’t seem to make sense then, but after obeying and seeing where we are in the world today, I know THIS BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU. It is not another book on prosperity; this is a book on BEING THE SUPERNATURAL LIGHT IN DARKNESS and the extreme ways God will take care of you in the middle of dark days. It was dark in Egypt, but it was light in Goshen! It is time for the GLORY OF THE LORD TO BE REVEALED! I believe you will discover a PROPHETIC NOW WORD for where we are and how to stand in the coming days!
Partners, we love you…

Heather and I want to personally thank you for partnering with us in getting the Word of God, prophetic journalism, and much-needed encouragement to those around the world who are desperate to hear God. We pray regularly for our partners. Our staff reaches out every month to all of our partners. We have a team dedicated to serving the body of Christ, and that includes interceding for you. We would love to pray for you and believe with you for everything you are standing on. If you have any specific prayer requests, please reach out to our office. We have prayer warriors who are waiting for you to reach out so they can stand in agreement with you.
I hope we hear from you. Our office is available by email or phone.
Our office email is, and our phone number is 719-257-8050.
We love you so much. Thank you for being our partner!
We could not do this without you.
For Jesus,
Joseph and Heather Z